"7-Second Added Boost"
Transmuted My Life!

hurt hammy

11 Years Ago.. I Heard And Felt A Vicious POP!

11 years ago I was playing in a softball game for the company I was working for. I had a great hit into Right Field and I thought I could stretch it into a double. As I was getting closer to 2nd base I heard and felt a vicious POP. I landed hard on my right shoulder and couldn't bend my left leg. I tore my hamstring and popped some crucial ligaments in my knee.

Fast forward to 2 years ago.. I was extremely overweight. Depressed and hopeless, I became alone on an island fueling my self pity. During this dark time I had a former colleague invite me to Happy Hour for some drinks so we could catch up. I sheepishly agreed to meeting up. Self-conscious and on edge I reluctantly arrived at the spot we were to meet up. As I was walking in, I heard my name and I turned around. To my utter shock, it was my old colleague! I walked right past them cause I didn't even recognize them! They looked incredible! Glowing and so healthy and thin!

I apologized and explained I didn't recognize them and abruptly spouted.. What happened and how do I make that happen for me?!

They laughed and said, " Come on in and have a drink with me and I'll tell you everything."

They started to share in great detail their journey and what got them to where they are now. The ups, the downs, the challenges and the growth that had to occur. Honestly, it was pretty standard to what one would expect to hear from a "body transformation" story.

But then all of a sudden.. they started to describe a daily ritual that rocket-boosted their metabolism and helped heal their body. They asked if my leg was still injured from that game 11 years ago. I hopelessly admitted yes. Then, they looked me square in the eyes and described in detail how this ritual, combined with all natural, very remote and specific nutrients from very specific plants could help me.


The results were phenomenal!

My waistline shrunk

The number on the scale dramatically declined

I have more energy

I could even start walking, then jogging, and now I am running

I have more of an appetite for natural foods

Fast forward to today.. I am a Power Plant! I have never felt so alive and vibrant! Letting go of the weight was just an add-on bonus to how my entire body feels and looks. I started playing baseball again and my children cheer me on from the stands and had no idea their parent could play like I can now. I finally am living my life. Healthy and healed!

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